Please forgive me if this is a repost. It did not appear for over 24 hours after I posted it. I changed the subject line in case the spam filters blocked it due to killwords in the subject...

This may be a very stupid question, but I did search online and not find the answer. I saw examples of Flash apps (eg the quite fun Guess-the-Google game) that grab images from Google Image search, but I couldn't find any coding examples. I don't even know if the right way to do it is stupidly low-tech (by making a query string URL and parsing the page Google returns) or involves web services etc. (which I have never used).

I am supposed to call the potential client tonight to tell her whether I can do it and how much work is involved etc. She hired someone else a few years ago (a "professional programmer" on her campus IT staff) to do it who was unable to figure out how to grab Google images and incorporate them into the page. He used Javascript/DHTML as the front end. I intend to use Flash as there are many multimedia elements.

I have a potential client who wants their site to incorporate Google Image Search results. I have never used Google web services or their APIs, so I don't know how much work this will involve and what server side resources are required. I will be using Flash 8 and PHP (if necessary).

Also, do people use the Flash webservices component/class for anything real or does one always end up doing one's own server-side coding (aside from wrapping the web services call to get around security restrictions)? Is there a reason to use a web service rather than constructing a query string and parsing the results?

Forgive me if this is newbieish. I am a server side newbie, but not an Actionscript newbie.

Millie Niss

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