yes it is purely academic, it's not causing me problems. And I manage my
time quite well thank you :) as a matter of fact, the project is done...but
I'd still like to discuss it, maybe i'll learn something.

On 11/16/06, Steven Sacks | BLITZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm coming in late to this discussion but is this lack of compiler error
on strict typing in AS2 causing your code to break or is this concern
purely academic?  If it's academic then might I suggest you stop
procrastinating and get on with your project?  ;)

AS2 strict typing is a lie anyway.  It has zero effect at runtime
because AS2 code just gets compiled to AS1.  If you wanted to set a
strict typed variable at runtime to a different type you could do so.
If you are trying to get ready for AS3, try writing this code in AS3 and
stop trying to force AS2 to be like AS3.  It's not.  The AS2 compiler is
just the actor playing the soup nazi on Seinfeld. The AS3 compiler is
actually the soup nazi.  NO SOUP FOR YOU!

Sometimes _global gets the job done and that's what's most important.
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