uhh, attachments are not allowed here?

class Validate {
  // characters allowed in e-mail addresses, not including the separators (@ 
and .)
  public static var EMAIL_CHARS: String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-";
  // test a string for containing allowed characters only
  public static function containsOnly(aStr: String, aChars: String): Boolean {
    for (var i = 0; i < aStr.length && aChars.indexOf(aStr.charAt(i)) != -1; 
    return i >= aStr.length
  // validate an e-mail address
  public static function email(aEmail: String): Boolean {
    var result: Boolean = false;
    aEmail = aEmail.toLowerCase();
    // split into parts at @ characters
    var a: Array = aEmail.split("@");
    // only a single @ is allowed
    if (result = (a.length == 2)) {
      // first take the string after the @ character
      var a2: Array = a[1].split(".");
      // it should contain at least one dot
      if (result = (a2.length >= 2)) {
        // iterate through parts separated by dots
        for (var i = 0; i < a2.length && result; i++)
          // check wheter the current part is not empty (or longer than one 
character in the case
          // of the last two which denote the TLD and domain name) and contains 
valid characters only
          result = (a2[i].length > (i >= a2.length - 2 ? 1 : 0) && 
containsOnly(a2[i], EMAIL_CHARS));
      if (result) {
        // take the string before the @ character - it can contain no dots
        a2 = a[0].split(".");
        // iterate through parts separated by dots
        for (var i = 0; i < a2.length && result; i++)
          // check wheter the current part is not empty and contains valid 
characters only
          result = (a2[i].length > 0 && containsOnly(a2[i], EMAIL_CHARS));
    return result;

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