Hi guys,

I'm having a curious and somewhat annoying problem using overridden methods
in a subclass. What I am trying to do is extend the XML class into a new
XMLDocument class and the XMLNode class into a DOMNode class in order to add
some useful extra methods such as getElementByID, getElementsByTagName and
the ability to produce a customisable object map of any DOMNode. All of this
is working for the most part.

The reason I am extending the XML classes in this way is so I can get the
most out of the speed and functionality of the intrinsic methods, remain
compatible with other scripts designed to work with regular XML objects, and
take advantage of my custom methods for accessing and manipulating XML
without going for a heavyweight solution like XPath.

The constructor to create an XMLDocument composed of DOMNodes is like this:

   public function XMLDocument( source:String ) {
       parseXML( source );

   public function parseXML( source:String ):Void {
       super.parseXML( source );
       var document:DOMNode = convertNodes( this.firstChild );
       this.appendChild( document );

So the XMLDocument is initialised with the default constructor and any
source string is passed along to the parseXML method to build the regular
XML structure. Next, the childNodes are converted from XMLNodes to DOMNodes
using the convertNodes recursive method. Actually the XMLNodes are not
converted as such - the information within them is used to create new
DOMNode instances and the structure recreated with the
DOMNode.appendChildmethod (which accepts a DOMNode argument and simply
passes it along to
super.appendChild ). Finally, the original XML tree is removed and replaced
with the new DOM tree.

The resulting XMLDocument seems to be created intact and all the XML,
XMLNode, XMLDocument and DOMNode methods mostly seem to be working as they
should. The first issue I discovered was when I selected a node, duplicated
it with cloneNode, and tried to use a DOMNode method on it - which failed.

Debugging showed me that the overridden cloneNode method was not being
called - it was using the superclass' cloneNode method. Further
investigation showed that while a DOMNode created directly through an
XMLDocument instance using createElement would call the overridden methods
correctly, but nodes already on the XMLDocument accessed with any method
would use the superclass' methods instead (as if they were plain XMLNodes) -
even though they were able to successfully call DOMNode methods.

To illustrate this, I created an attachNode method on DOMNode to proxy to
the appendChild method to trace the execution path:

   public function attachNode( newChild:DOMNode ):Void {
       trace( "DOMNode.attachNode" );
       this.appendChild( newChild );
   public function appendChild( newChild:DOMNode ):Void {
       trace( "DOMNode.appendChild" );
       super.appendChild( newChild );

What happens is that the attachNode method is called (which proves the
object really is a DOMNode and not an XMLNode) but the overridden
appendChild method is not called - despite it being called internally! And
like I said before, an element created with XMLDocument.createElement does
call the overridden method. Bizarre.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here? Is this something specific
to XML, any intrinsic objects, or some weird inheritance bug that can affect
any class? Is there a solution? Or am I stuck with having to rewrite the
whole set of XML methods from scratch and avoiding superclass methods


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