Hello :)

Your code is cut ??? where is the declaration of the xml etc ?

You can try to use mx.utils.Delegate to create a proxy between the onLoad
event of the reference and a method in your class with the scope of the
current instance :

import mx.utils.Delegate ;

class Loader

    * Creates a new Loader.
   function Loader()
       super() ;

       lv = new LoadVars() ;

       x = new XML() ;
       x.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, _test) ;


    * The LoadVars reference of this loader.
   public var lv:LoadVars ;

    * The XML reference of this loader.
   public var x:XML ;

    * Trigger the loader.
   public function trigger( url ):Void
       lv.sendAndLoad( url , x ) ;

    * Returns the string representation of the object.
   public function toString():String
       return "[Loader]" ;

    * Internal method to test the result
   private function _test( success:Boolean )
       trace("> " + this + " test : " + success);
       trace("> " + this + " xml  : " + x ) ;
       // continue your test here !


EKA+ :)

2006/12/6, Fratiman Vladut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have this class:
class LoadVars2 extends LoadVars {

      function LoadVars2() {

      function populate(){
                  my_xml.onLoad = function(){
                          //code for test

      private function test(){


If i try to access test function before my_xml.onLoad, all works, but
when i try to access into onLoad function body (after "code for test"
comment), fail.
How i can resolve that ?

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