Gee Steve,
  You normally are such a force for good in the world.  
  But that post on the Flash cert was harsh.
  I can understand why you wouldn't take the time of day to think about taking 
a cert exam.  But then why take the time to bash it?
  The cert thing is good.  Not evil.  You live near the epicenter of the Flash 
universe.  But not everybody does.  It is good for people to use objective 
measures to know that they are making progress.
  Please stick to your normal form of playing nice with the other kids here in 
the Flash playground :-)

Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season!

Steven Sacks | BLITZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Flash 8 Certification Exam? Srsly? And you pay for it? That's crazy

If you've got money to throw away, why not give it to a charity this
holiday season and use it for something that actually makes a

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