I would like to generate all(a lot at least) of my code in Eclipse.
The Java guys get a lot of their stuff done for free, why not ActionScript.
If you are really OOP, you mostly need getters and setters done automatically. The real business methods are hard to get written through a modelling tool.

The problem with ArgoUML is that their process is one way. You can only generate the code once. After that, any changes that you make to the code are lost if you update the model and regenerate. I like ArgoUML but I am tending more to the Eclipse suite since it does both the RIA and the server side and has a lot of programming tools built-in for many different languages. In the long run, I hope that the ActionScript plug-in provides more access to the features available for Java. I have not played with the UML tools in Eclipse but I would imagine that they will be pretty good.

The Eclipse orientation around the built-in Ant functionality is great and has a lot of potential for automating the whole project workflow and the building of distributions for RIAs that include images, code, animations and sounds.

The integration with CVS and Subversion is great for collaborative projects.


Jorge Antonio Diaz Gutierrez wrote:
Hi listers:

I need to know how do yuo generate your AS2 Projects's code using
ArgoUML and if anyone else uses anotherone way to do it, if you could
bring me an Idea.

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