Interesting that San Francisco ranks at #34 together with São Paulo. Uh? So, say if a senior Flash dev earns an average of US$ 80k, so should a senior Flash dev in São Paulo, right? That'd be R$ 168k, or about R$ 13k a month (13 salaries per year). I'm living in São Paulo, but i'm not working for local companies, so i might be wrong, but from what i hear senior Flash devs here rarely make more than R$ 5k a month, i even heard of Flex devs here that make less than R$ 3k. R$ 5k a month would roughly translate to US$ 31k a year.
Never trust statistics that you didn't fake yourself. ;)

Agreed in that case. Sounds pretty off. Or maybe I'm just too cheap. :)

Also, this looks pretty strange:

There's no way in hell Rio de Janeiro as a higher living cost than São Paulo.

Also, SF is not listed there. There are two lists apparently?

Anyways, there must be a lot that's not taken into consideration on those surveys, while some things might have a much bigger influence. For instance, in Brazil, for transportation (vehicles + fuel) and computer hardware, you'll be spending a lot more than you would in, say, USA or Europe; however, you'll be spending a lot less with housing, food, and clothes.

So it's not something very easy to compare, specially if you use computers on your work (when much of your costs are the same all over the world, if not more expensive even when you're living on a 'cheaper' country).

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