One more for the archive: main.asc also has to be in the application directory (in my case, LT) for the flvplayback to work (as mentioned by Muzak and martin). A copy of main.asc can be found in Program Files\Macromedia\Flash 8\Samples and Tutorials\Samples\Components\FLVPlayback. Then either the app has to be restarted with the App Inspector or if it's not used for 20 minutes, it will be restarted automatically. (Thanks again, Muzak)

On a totally unrelated note, this is pretty cool, JG (and I thought you were just Mr Xray :)

Helen Triolo wrote:

Well, I'm an idjit, but for the archives, the contentPath for FLVPlayer is the same as the setMedia specification for MediaPlayback, but you have to upload the skin swf that the FLVPlayer is using (specified in parameters or code) for the controls and the video to actually show up. And for those who may not now about these pages, there are updates for FLVPlayer and for FCS and other related things at:


Thank you to martin coulthurst and Muzak for those links and your suggestions and help offlist.


Helen Triolo wrote:

Thanks. This is using FCS, I should've mentioned, not FMS2. It looks to me from the help that the flv extension is required. So to shorten my question, it's

for a file accessible with setMedia("rtmp:/LT/myfile.flv") using MediaPlayback

what is the correct contentPath for FLVPlayback?

(FCS, streaming video, webserver on same machine as FCS)


Dan Styles wrote:

I had a problem like this recently
Try without the .flv part... you may not need the extension when using Flash
Media Server

also check this:
and this:

I recently went through this difficulty with Flash Media Server 2 (not the earlier FCS), in order to get the FLV Playback component to stream videos using FMS2 from another folder not under the default applications folder, you'll need to map a virtual directory by altering "vHost.xml" kept in this location: "Flash Media Server 2/conf/_defaultRoot_/_defaultVHost_/vHost.xml"

In "vHost.xml" there is a tag <VirtualDirectory> and under that <Streams>.

When you add a virtual directory to FMS2 you should add to the streams tag
something like this:


Then you'll need to add a folder under the default applications directory of FMS (or whatever custom applications directory you're using) with whatever
name you choose (say for example "foo"), then make sure you place the
main.asc for the FLVPlayback component which ships with Flash 8 in this new folder, you can find this main.asc file in the location given in the doc above. No streams should go in this "foo" folder, and no extra subfolders are needed here, but your streams (in this example) should be located at

Then when playing back a .flv (called, for example "yourVid.flv") using the
FLVPlayback component, the contentPath should be something like this:


FMS connects first to localhost (or whatever IP the streaming server is
located), then checks the app name "foo",finding it, it then looks for a virtual mapping, if any, in this case "bar", then finding the path mapped out in the vHost.xml to C:\streams it gets the flv file "yourVid.flv" from
the folder c:\streams.


I can't get the FLVPlayback component to display the streamed videos
that are working fine with the MediaPlayback component. For the latter,
I use


but there is no setMedia command for FLVPlayback, only contentPath, and
setting it to the above doesn't work, nor did setting contentPath =
"rtmp://<server address>/LT/myfile.flv"  or "rtmp://<server
address>/LT/stream/_definst_/myfile.flv"  -- the video never shows up.
Any suggestions?

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