Keith Salisbury
> Slightly confused....
> I have a super class:
> package com.ktec.timeline
> {
>   protected var labelClass:String = "default";
>   public class AbstractMarker {
>     public function AbstractMarker ()
>     {
>       labelClass = "default";
>     }
>     public function showTitle (title:String):void
>     {
>       trace("<span class=\"" + labelClass + "\"> + title + "</span>")
>     }
>   }
> }
> and a subclass:
> package com.ktec.timeline
> {
>   public class DateMarker extends AbstractMarker
>   {
>     public function DateMarker ()
>     {
>       super();
>       labelClass = "date"
>     }
>   }
> }
> Then i use:
> var marker:DateMarker = new DateMarker()
> marker.showTitle("hello world") # <span class="default">hello
> This isnt what i would expect?
> Can anyone enlighten me where i'm going wrong?
> thanks
> keith

Hi Keith,

Little question: what r u working under: Flash 9 Beta or Flex 2? I
wonder your code even compiled. Move this line:

protected var labelClass:String = "default";

inside your class definition. It's outside the scope of the class. I
tried it out, worked fine for me.


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