> Since player 8 is out, it seems to be impossible to make a fluent
> animation if there are more frames than pixels, i.e a simple 100 pix
> tween on _x in 50 frames
> It's not really the player, but the compiler.
> see example here, it's the same code, juste changed the export player
> version, and it's not related on the textField, as the result is the
> same with a vector or bitmap movieClip:
> http://www.foolarts.com/lab/testAnimFP7.swf
> http://www.foolarts.com/lab/testAnimFP8.swf
> is there a way to have the FP7-like result, exporting in FP8 ?

This is because of the textfield rendering mode. You're probably using "antialias for readability", which provides better visual rendering but which has a necessary snap to pixels. Switch to "antialias for animation" for this textfield, which is equivalent to Flash 7- text rendering and takes pixel fractions into account when rendering the text antialias.

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