I think I know the answer, but...

Is there any way to get a stack trace programmatically? I've got a
simple assert function, which terminates script execution on fail, and
it would be sooo helpful to be able to print a stack trace, instead of
having to *tell* the assert function where it is being called from
every time I use it.

A related question: why not? Clearly this info exists at runtime. The
debugger displays it, for instance.

For that matter, I find it rather annoying that you can get a
reference to the calling function via the arguments property, but you
still can't identify which function this is. Am I missing anything

Oh and I'm using AS 2.0 for now. I'm curious about what 3.0 offers for
better error/exception handling, but am not ready to go that route
yet. I suppose I ought to set up ASUnit, but that looks like it might
eat up some time.
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