Look into the [Inspectable] metadata tag.

If you place it before a class variable or property, then setting the
class under the component definition will automatically populate the

class MyClass {
   public var myVar:String;
   public function get myProp():Number {
       return _prop;
   public function set myProp(value:Number):Void {
       _prop = isFinite(value) ? Math.floor(value) : 0;
   private var _prop:Number;

There are other options: enumeration, different types, etc.

On 2/16/07, David Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey all,

As per my earlier thread, I've been playing around with the
"Component Definition" dialog box in order to create a class which
extends MovieClip, where the class can be "passed parameters" (or,
set in the Parameters tab as the case may be).  This seems to
implement what I want, but I'm puzzled about the behavior of the
"Component Definition" dialog box. What I do is:

-- Set "Linkage...":

        AS 2.0 Class:   MyPackage.myClass

-- Open "Component Definition..." and enter Parameters like:

                Type    sType   typeA   String
                Degree  nDegree 37.5    Number

-- Now, what puzzles me is the behavior of the "AS 2.0 Class" field
in this dialog box:

        AS 2.0 Class:   MyPackage.myClass(val)

                -- this seems to work; the parameters are set correctly for the
                        Puzzlement 1: "val" can be *anything*, as long as it's 
just one
word (e.g. it can't be "sType,nDegree") and the parameters are set

        AS 2.0 Class:   MyPackage.myClass()

                -- this gives me a syntax error

        AS 2.0 Class:   MyPackage.myClass

                -- Puzzlement 2: this causes all the parameters to disappear 
time the dialog box is open, and the parameters aren't set for the

Am I using this thing right?  I can't make heads or tails of what's
going on!


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