Note: Sorry about the funky formatting.

> Muzak wrote:
>> Hi Micky, see inline reply.

Hi Muzak, ditto. :)

>>> I just picked-up Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook (O'Reilly) today, and
>>> found myself pondering this:
>>> Is it time to make the switch from v2 to v3 AS?
>> That (as always) depends on your goal (project).
>> If you're into RIA's, Flex+AS3 is probably better suited for the job.

Ah, yes... I am definitely not a guru -- mostly use flash to enhance non-crucial aspects of websites and/or for adverts/videos/small animations -- basic stuff. But, AS3 looks like a step in right direction, and I am excited to start learning the ins-and-outs... I am hoping I can figure-out some small 1-man projects that will get me learning the new version of code.

>>> What happened to coding in Flash? Am I waiting for the next version
>>> of Flash until I can successfully and/or easily write AS3 via the
>>> Flash application?
>> I think the above answer applies here as well.

Sounds good/makes sense. :)

>>> Will the future of Flash AS always require the Flex Builder? Or, is
>>> Flex Builder just one out of many/few code editors for compiling the
>>> new AS3 code?
>> Flex Builder is just another AS editor. It just happens to be ahead of
>> the Flash IDE when it comes to AS-version.
>> AS3 for the Flash IDE is currently only available through the AS3
>> alpha preview (

Ahhh, I see. Thanks for clarification. :)

Gonna install Flex Builder tonight (assume it is free)... Looking forward to coding inside of it.

>>> If I only want to animate some objects around the stage
>>> programatically (for something like a website header), should I just
>>> make the switch to AS3 (if player versions were not an issue), or is
>>> AS2 still an acceptable way of producing small action-scripted movies?
>> I see no reason why you'd switch to AS3 for this kind of work.

Ah, seems like the consensus... Although, I hope I can find a way/project that will get me started on learning the new syntax.

>>> Links? Blog posts? Articles? Am I over-complicating things?
>> What kind of links/articles are you looking for?

Looks like a great list of links! Thanks for sharing.

>> As for over-complicating things, I'd say, yes ;-)

Hehe, I can see that now. Lol. ;)

>> Flex/Flex Builder was made because Flash (as a technology) has become
>> more and more powerful and more and more programmers with all kinds of
>> backgrounds (Java, .NET, etc..) started using it (or wanted to) but
>> found the Flash IDE lacking, especially compared to other tools
>> available for other languages.

I can see that. As a noob myself, I can think of a few dislikes when it comes to using Flash for coding.

>> So Flex/Flex Builder is not here to replace the Flash IDE, but
>> (finally) gives those that are more into the programming side of
>> things a powerful and robust tool that they're probably already
>> comfortable with, since it's based on Eclipse (

Never used Eclipse, but I think I have heard good things. I like the thought of having two apps -- one for coding, other for graphics.

>> older articles explaining Flex + AS3

Excellent! I am glad I asked the list -- you guys/gals have been very helpful -- many many thanks to you all. :D

>> I think the following quote (from Nigel Pegg) sums it all up:
>> "We Call This 'The Timeline.' No, Wait, Come Back!"

LOL! Nice one. Heheh.

Cheers Muzak, I greatly appreciate your time.
- Micky

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