I would not worry about this.

You are on the right track and in the worst case you can break the XML file into a set of xml files referenced by the top level which then acts as a Table of Contents.

It is hard to build an XML file that is as big as an sound file. 5000 records of 50 characters is only 250,000 bytes.

You might want to use very short node names
"pt" rather than "part"
"pn" rather than part-number
"pd" rather than part-description
it item-type
if item-filename
il item-label

This will help reduce the total file size.

In addition to a top level strategy of multiple files, you might want to put the product details in individual XML files since you will most likely only ask for the details for a very small number of parts. This creates a large number of files and you probably need a good directory structure to keep access times small. Other than problems of big directories under windows, computers are pretty good at this sort of stuff.


Hairy Dog Digital wrote:
Hi all,

I have a project that I have spec'ed for developing in Flash MX 04 (or Flash
8) along with Director MX 04. The project has a large amount of data that
will be read into the program. I'm trying to determine whether there are any
practical limitations to using XML with Flash. The data lends itself
beautifully to XML, and would be an easy conversion to XML from the source
documents provided by my client. However, there is a considerable amount of
data, consisting of 5000 records in a structure with nodes nested 7-10
levels deep, such as:

+ family
    + subgroup (1 to n levels of subgroups, varies by family)
        + subgroup
            + subgroup
                + subgroup
                    + part-type
                        + part
                            x part-number
                            x part-description
                                    + item
                                x item-type
                                x item-filename
                                x item-label
+ NODE (0 or more of each)  x TBD: ELEMENT or ATTR of parent element

The data will not require sorting. Data will be presented in the sequence
contained in the XML file. In addition, searching will only be done by
*part-number* with optional filtering by *item-type*.
So, I have approx. 5000 *item* records and prefer to do this with XML. The
project is CD-based, not an online application. Is it practical to
read/parse that much XML into a single XML object in a Flash application
running from CD?

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