Perdue, Blake wrote:
We've gotten a lot of complaints lately that popup windows spawned by a
SWF are getting blocked by pop-up blockers, even though they are user
initiated. It seems the newer flash players (v8, v9) or perhaps the new
pop-up blockers (Firefox, Google, etc) have changed the way they operate
- this didn't used to be a problem for us.

Yes, this can be a problem -- different browser extensions work in different ways, and respond to different JavaScript events, so it's hard to make a one-size-fits-all solution.

One bit of consolation: someone who installs a rogue window-blocker will be visiting more sites than just yours, so they would become familiar with any feedback the blocker and/or browser offer about windows the browser didn't open.

Another tack you might try, to give visitors consistent feedback about what their browser isn't doing, might be to try a localConnection test from the original SWF to the popup SWF, after waiting a suitable interval... if the second SWF never opened, then the first SWF can advise that there may be a window-blocker in the visitor's browser.


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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