You can get some basic info from the meta data in Flash. From the help:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);

ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object) {
    for (var propName:String in infoObject) {
        trace(propName + " = " + infoObject[propName]);

canSeekToEnd:    true
audiocodecid:    2
audiodelay:    0.038
audiodatarate:    96
videocodecid:    4
framerate:    15
videodatarate:    400
height:    213
width:    320
duration:    8.04


The videocodecid numbers are these: Sorenson H.263 =2, Screen Video =3, On2 VP6 = 4 and 5, Screen Video V2 = 6

No guarantee as to what data will be included in the metadata - that depends on the app used to do the compression. I believe there's a way to get keyframe data as well, but I'm not positive.


On Mar 14, 2007, at 9:30 PM, flashcoders- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know how you can detect the encoding settings that were used
when the .flv was created?
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