most performance differences are negligible between the players.

if you are seeing bugs because of slow code execution, you are probably writing some Very Bad Code and should consider changing the way your app is put together (eg. use callbacks for when dependancies finish, etc.)

The getURL issue is odd - are you trying to open two new browser windows at the same time or change multiple frames/iframes on a page? You could easily call a single javascript function that opens the two windows for you instead.

And if you are using it to call javascript, you should be looking into the ExternalInterface class instead of using the getURL to call javascript (if you are targeting flash player < 8, then look into the flash/javascript integration kit, which will queue up your js calls so they don't get skipped like that)

On Mar 16, 2007, at 6:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Though I'd ask the flash community their opinion since this has been on my mind lately and has caused no shortage of grief.

Perhaps the title of my post should be 'Why is the Mozilla/Firefox Flash Player plugin so much better?'

One thing I've noticed is that an iidentical flash app played in both Firefox and IE doesn't always play the same. If there are 'bugs', they can usually be traced to timing diffences.

In my expereince code/loops seem to execute much slower in the IE/ plugin and also there is the 'geturl' bug (or is this a feature?) wherby simultaneous geturl calls are correctly resolved in Firefox but IE only recognizes the last one.

I'm not a C coder but to me, it would make sense to make it a HUGE priority to ensure both versions of the plugin perform identically,

Any thoughts?

[e] jbach at
[c] 416.668.0034
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