This question isn't pointed for detailed answers as we're not sure what degraded performance means. Its all relitive towards what kind of symbols and how much crap you through onto them with blend modes and alpha. There are some obvious overall limitations (layers, alpha) to the player itself overall, but applications, esp well designed ones, manage this gracefully through thoughtful optimization. Good flash developers can tweak their code just so, in order to get the desired effect with minimal impact on the performance. If you're looking for robustness in AS, you can get any better than Flex2+AS3 right now. It's execution is powerful, much more so than AS2.

I've got several sites that use AMFPHP to interact with a flash front end and we handle massive amounts of data. If you're looking to transfer data from a database, its the way to go.


On Mar 18, 2007, at 3:59 PM, dr.ache wrote:

hi there.

for my bachelor in media design i want to develop an interface
for accessing massive data, more precisely stories people have
entered in a database.

My question is, how strong is the newest flash player? How many
symbols can be shown at the same time before the performance goes
down? When you have other limitations in mind, please note as well!


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