On 3/21/07, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmm - this seems to go against the stuff we've been talking about recently
(see 'super and this' thread) where people have been saying that inherited
classes are essentially wrapped into one. This is an example where the
ancestor is being treated as an object in its own right. If inheritance
worked the way people described in the previous thread, it ought not to be
possible for a command to bypass the Child class and go straight to the

The ancestor /is/ an object in its own right.

Every object has a property __proto__ linking it to its prototype
object. For every class, there is one single prototype (which in turn
has its __proto__ set to its superclass' prototype, and so on, up the
Prototype Chain to Object.prototype), and every instance of that
class, as well as all prototype objects of its child classes, has it's
__proto__ set to it.


class Foo {
  var name = "foo";
  function Foo () {}
  function hello () {
     trace( "hello " + name );

class Bar extends Foo {
  function Bar () {
     name = "bar";

What this gives you is nothing but a bunch of objects of two types,
some of type "object", some of type "function" (which extends Object
itself), and a single string (the second string in Bar's constructor
only gets created whenever you create another instance):

Foo is a function, the constructor of a class, as is Bar. They're
normal functions, but for one property, Foo.prototype (resp.
Bar.prototype). That's one of the object that just got created, the
class' prototype. That prototype object has all the properties and
methods that instances of the class shall inherit as properties, in
this case, a function called "hello", which therefore would be
Foo.prototype.hello, and one property of type string called "name". If
you had an instance of Foo, myFoo, that would really only be an
object. It wouldn't have a property "hello" or "name" itself, in fact,
it would only have two properties, one for the prototype and one for
the constructor.
When you instantiate it with 'new Foo()', here's what happens:

// instantiate the object:
var myFoo = {
  __proto__: Foo.prototype,
  constructor: Foo
// and call the constructor on it:
myFoo.constructor.apply( myFoo );

Every object has those two properties, by the way. Even when you say
{} what you really get is {__proto__: Object.prototype, constructor:
Object}. (So, you can "instantiate" an object without calling its
constructor -- if you did this with Bar, the resulting myBar would
trace "hello foo" when you did myBar.hello().)

Foo.prototype looks like this:
Foo.prototype = {
  __proto__: Object.prototype,
  constructor: Foo,
  name: "foo",
  hello: function () {
     trace( "hello " + this.name );

...and Bar's prototype:
Bar.prototype = {
  __proto__: Foo.prototype,  // that's the inheritance!
  constructor: Bar,

You can access myFoo.name, but it doesn't have a method "hello" or a
property "name" itself. When you try to access "name" as myFoo.name,
the virtual machine checks if your instance has that property. It
doesn't, so it goes on to check the class' prototype object, which is
where "name" is found -- myFoo.__proto__.name == Foo.prototype.name.
Bar.prototype has a __proto__ property itself, set to Foo.prototype,
and would inherit "name" the same way. Instances of Bar, however,
would overwrite it in the constructor. That gives each single instance
of Bar a property "name" set to "bar", while there is only one
property "name" set to "foo", shared by all instances of Foo (and,
oddly, by Bar.prototype).

All of the following are true:
Bar.prototype.__proto__ == Foo.prototype
myBar.__proto__ == Bar.prototype
myBar.__proto__.__proto__ == Foo.prototype
myBar.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype

So what's super, really?
I have no idea. 'typeof super' traces "object", but somehow you can
call it like a function. In the constructor, it behaves just as
this.__proto__.__proto__.constructor would, and in methods, it behaves
just as if it was this.__proto__.__proto__. It's not equal (as in
'==') to either, though. It's a mystery, at least to me, maybe
somebody can explain?

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