I figured it out. "try and catch" are my friends.
It was a undefined property.

Sorry for the brain fart.

--Keith H--

----- Original Message -----

> Is there any "gotchas" to cause a MouseEvent.CLICK to not respond?
> I've got other MouseEvents to work but not CLICK on UITextField.
> //=============================================
> import mx.events.MenuEvent;
> import flash.events.*;
> private function initApp():void
> {
> var tf:UITextField=new UITextField();
> tf.autoSize="left";
> tf.text="This is my Text";
> app_panel.addChild(tf);
> function singleClick():void
> {
> tf.background=true;
> tf.backgroundColor=0x00FF00;
> }
> tf.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click,singleClick);
> }
> //=========================================
> --Keith H--
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