Hi, I'd like to move few constants and functions my project is using into a separate class, called Util. How could I please make them "importable", i.e. so that I could write just
import Util; trace(SOME_CONSTANT); instead of always prepending "Util." in front of the variables: trace(Util.SOME_CONSTANT) I can't find it in the Flash help... Thank you Also I wonder if I can run some function on the import statement or do I have to always call Util.init_my_static_vars() manually? Regards Alex -- http://preferans.de _______________________________________________ Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com To change your subscription options or search the archive: http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training http://www.figleaf.com http://training.figleaf.com