On Apr 4, 2007, at 2:54 PM, john robinson wrote:

So the Flash front-end gets this path from the CMS, correct? If that's the case, then in your Java application, you you then copy the actual flv somewhere like so:


That's one problem I have to overcome. The files that FMS would read (or any streaming solution that can run alongside Tomcat) cannot be copied to some 'streaming' directory. We're talking about hundreds of hours of broadcast footage that need to be organized in a specific way.

The paths would need to be dynamically generated by the CMS and those paths fed to the streaming server.

With the path you provided, you should be able to rip it apart in Flash and build the correct FMS path from there. Does that help at all? You shouldn't need to setup virtual paths at all. If you do need to setup virtual paths, I believe the FMS has an admin service that you could call from your Server-side AS to add those virtual paths dynamically as needed.

I thought of doing some server-side AS but then I run into the problem that each separate asset is contained in a separate folder along with all it's transformations - thumbnails, 00:00:10 FLV previews, storyboard jpg sequences, etc. I'd hate to have to add virtual paths all over the place.

Anyhow, I think my question at this point is probably well OT for the list so I'll see if I can find a FMS list or something where I can pose the question. I've never used FMS (from an administrative standpoint) so it'll be an interesting learning experience.

thanks for the help john.


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