Hi there,

I think they've already said that although Apollo is going to support
HTML pages, it will not support anything but PDFs, Flash and HTML. I
mean, no Quicktime, wmf or stuff like that.

On 4/19/07, thotskee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
@ben: excellent point! i hadnt thought about the HTML embed route, that's
def. something to think about. i want to try it actually just to see what

@jon: i'm not familiar with libavec but that is def something to think about
and look into as well.

it seems like apollo is going to have to support the other video formats at
some point to really compete with other desktop authoring environments. also
what about artemis right? seems like there may be a way to do something
similar for video... (all of this total speculation here too btw, just
thinking out loud with you guys.)

 a little off the original subject, i think it's very cool that this is the
first app by adobe in apollo. my suspicion is that this is going to help get
the runtime out there.

thanks again for the replies guys, awesome input!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Bradley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Adobe Media Player vs. the competition..??

> On Apr 18, 2007, at 10:49 PM, ben gomez farrell wrote:
>> I'd say it stands a decent chance of supporting a bunch of formats
>> eventually.  Remember this thing is built on Apollo, and you can  build
>> your Apollo app with HTML.  Maybe Apollo won't support HTML  pages with
>> plugins (except for Flash) at launch, but it would be in  their best
>> interest to render webpages as they appear in your  browser, which means
>> bringing in Quicktime support and others.
>> Just speculation though!
> Initially there is not going to be any support for any motion video
> format other than FLV. In the 1.0 release, Adobe 'might' include the
> ability to run external applications to handle a file of a certain  type,
> but it definitely won't be integrated into the application any  time soon.
> Although WebKit includes support for plugin libraries, Adobe might be
> getting itself into a legal quagmire if it tried to 'pipe' the video  data
> through any other player plugin (WMP, Quicktime, Real) into it's  own
> interface. That remains to be seen though.
> All they'd really need to do to kill other media players would be to  add
> support for the libavec libraries (FFMpeg and MPlayer) and they'd  be able
> to playback a few hundred different formats.
> Definitely going to be interesting though ...
> - jon
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