Regarding Flash / Flex integration ...

As a Flash developer I have felt that Adobe was doing a pretty crappy job
explaining Flash / Flex integration.  Now I understand that they were just
waiting to release Flash CS3.  After all, Flex 2 is exclusively AS3 based.
So in retrospect it seems fair that Adobe has been waiting until a GA
release of Flash authoring was out that support AS3 authoring.

First, from what I have seen so far Flash / Flex integration is generally a
one-way street.  That is Flash authored content can be integrated into Flex
projects.  I have not yet seen anything regarding integrating Flex 2
authored content into Flash projects.  But again this may be because Flash
CS3 has not yet hit the streets.  IF ANYONE KNOWS OF FLEX IN FLASH EXAMPLES,

Anyhow, since Austin's original post starting this thread Flash CS3 has been
announced and Adobe has started opening up the floodgates on information
about Flash / Flex integration.

The first big salvo is the Flex Component Kit for Flash
up on labs.  On Monday did a very nice piece using the Component Kit and which
shows how well the Flash/Flex can integrate together.  Jesse's post is here:
(Thank you again Jesse!)

At the labs 
there is a "watch this presentation" link with an Acrobat Connect recording
by Glenn Ruehle.  Glenn is a lead from the team that created the "Flex
Component Kit for Flash CS3".  Just click the following link and let Glenn
walk you through it:

Also Grant Skinner, a lead on the team that created the AS3 components that
ship with Flash CS3, has posted about integrating Flash/Flex too:

Please post back any additional links that you might find.

Happy Flashing!

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