Hi Friends, I am new to flash code. Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in vertical format. Here is the like of original code. http://www.reflektions.com/miniml/template_permalink.asp?id=356
The *.fla file is uploaded on following path http://www.pixelmultimedia.net/OSX_menu_3_1.fla ////////////////// codes///////////////////// function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; mb = "__mochibot__"; mbc = "mochibot.com"; g = _global ? (_global) : (_level0._root); if (g[mb + swfid]) { return (g[mb + swfid]); } // end if s = System.security; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : (_global ? (6) : (5)); if (!s) { s = {}; } // end if sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == "localWithFile") { return (null); } // end if x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } // end if x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } // end if u = "http://" + mbc + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=" + fv + "&v=" + escape(getVersion()) + "&swfid=" + escape(swfid) + "&l=" + lv + "&f=" + mc + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : ("")) + (trk ? ("&t=1") : ("")); lv = fv > 6 ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : (g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv)); g[mb + "level"] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = "_level" + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } // end if } else { res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); } // end else if return (res); } // End of the function var numItems = 10; var itemsArray = new Array(); var increase = 2.500000E+000; var minSize = 40; var maxSize = increase * minSize; var spacing = minSize + 2; var diff = maxSize - minSize; var piSpan = 3.141593E+000 / maxSize; var proximity = 1.000000E-001; var hZ = 30; var state = 0; var isInside = false; var centerX = Stage.width / 2; var centerY = Stage.height / 2; this.initMenu = function () { for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { var _loc2 = this.attachMovie(i, "clip_" + i, i); var _loc3 = i * spacing + minSize / 2; _loc3 = _loc3 + 40; _loc2._x = _loc2.x = _loc3; _loc2._y = _loc2.y = centerY; itemsArray[i] = _loc2; } // end of for this.onEnterFrame = renderMenu; }; this.renderMenu = function () { state = isInside ? (Math.min(1, state + proximity)) : (Math.max(0, state - proximity)); var _loc16 = this.hitZone_mc._x - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2; var _loc15 = this.hitZone_mc._y - this.hitZone_mc._height / 2; var _loc12 = this.hitZone_mc._x + this.hitZone_mc._width / 2; var _loc13 = this.hitZone_mc._y + this.hitZone_mc._height / 2; isInside = _xmouse > _loc16 && _xmouse < _loc12 && (_ymouse > _loc15 && _ymouse < _loc13); hZ = sliderH; for (i in itemsArray) { var _loc4 = itemsArray[i].x - state * maxSize; var _loc5 = itemsArray[i].x + state * maxSize; if (_xmouse > _loc4 && _xmouse < _loc5) { var _loc8 = piSpan * (_loc5 - _xmouse); var _loc2 = Math.cos(_loc8 / 2); var _loc6 = diff * (1 - _loc2 * _loc2); var _loc9 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ * _loc2; } else { _loc6 = 0; var _loc10 = itemsArray[i].x + state * hZ; var _loc7 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ; _loc9 = _xmouse <= _loc4 ? (_loc10) : (_loc7); } // end else if var _loc3 = minSize + state * _loc6; itemsArray[i]._width = _loc3; itemsArray[i]._height = _loc3; itemsArray[i]._x = _loc9; } // end of for...in var _loc14 = itemsArray[0].getBounds(this).xMin; var _loc11 = itemsArray[numItems - 1].getBounds(this).xMax; this.hitZone_mc._width = _loc11 - _loc14; this.hitZone_mc._x = _loc11 - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2; this.hitZone_mc._height = minSize + maxSize * state; }; initMenu(); stop (); __com_mochibot__("6d82e250", this, 10301, true); ///////////////code end/////////////////////////////////////// Thanks in advance, Prince _______________________________________________ Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com To change your subscription options or search the archive: http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training http://www.figleaf.com http://training.figleaf.com