On 4/30/07, David Bellerive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From what I understand, in AS2, a String object was a wrapper object around a string literal. For exemple, in AS2, these were not the same: var myFirstString:String = "my first string"; var mySecondString:String = new String("my second string"); The first line (the string literal) was just that, a literal value with no properties or methods.
Not true. As a counterexample, try this: trace("Hello".length); // Traces "5". -- Mike Keesey _______________________________________________ Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com To change your subscription options or search the archive: http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training http://www.figleaf.com http://training.figleaf.com