The drawing part's easy. For closing off the circle, just do what Flash does for the endFill() method, just connect the last point in the polygon you're creating with the first.
The for selecting the right answer, it's a point in polygon problem. Now that I think about it, create an empty movie clip, do a beginFill(0,0) in the new clip, follow the mouse to draw, on release, endFill(), then do a hitTest with the center point of each answer and the movieclip you just created. If there's two center points that hit your clip, kill it and make the user draw again. --- nik crosina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I am working on a project that would possibly > require the user to > select an answer from a quiz by circling it with the > mouse. Has > anyone of you done something similar before - we > want the user to > roughly draw around the object, not necessary join > the ends of the > lines. I am thinking of providing a kind of doughnut > shaped area into > which the user has to draw. > > But how would I track the movement of the mouse in > the right way? > > Thanks, > > Nik > _______________________________________________ > > To change your subscription options or search the > archive: > > > Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software > Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around _______________________________________________ To change your subscription options or search the archive: Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training