I'm having a tough time getting a simple LocalConnection connection working.

Scenario: Flash 8, AS 2, two separate Flash projectors.

1) Projector A starts LocalConnection.connect.
2) Projector A opens Projector B via fscommand.
3) Project B initializes, then starts LocalConnection.send using connectionName from step A. No arguments are sent. 4) Nothing happens, no onStatus calls are triggered either on the LocalConnection instance or at the System level. The method does not get called. Both connect and send calls return true.

This is all occurring on the localhost sandbox, so I'm pretty sure I don't have to deal with security shenanigans. The code is all contained in static singleton classes, so the LocalConnection objects are class properties.

I'm probably overlooking something, but my brain is frazzled from fiddling with this for the last five hours. Thanks in advance for any insights or suggestions.

Code snippets follow.

// ***** From projector A main class:

// Use alerts as a debug aid.
import mx.controls.Alert;
// ...
public var _reportReceiver_lc:LocalConnection;

// This gets called from a button -- the initial trigger to open up Projector B.
public function showReport():Void {
var theTimer:com.plasticbrain.timer.Timer = com.plasticbrain.timer.Timer.getInstance();
                        // Establish listener for report open event
                        _reportReceiver_lc = new LocalConnection();
                        // This function doesn't get triggered.
                        _reportReceiver_lc.allowDomain = function():Boolean {
                                Alert.show("allowDomain", "Alert");
                                return true;
                        // This function doesn't get triggered either.
                        _reportReceiver_lc.allowInsecureDomain = 
function():Boolean {
                                Alert.show("allowInsecureDomain", "Alert");
                                return true;
// *** This is what I want to call from Projector B connection, but it fails!
                        _reportReceiver_lc.initReport = function():Void {
                                Alert.show("***initReport", "Alert");
                        var connectionName:String = "lc_reportSending";
                        var sendRes:Boolean = 
                        Alert.show("showReport: listen="+sendRes+", 
                        // Last, open Projector B
                        fscommand("exec", "Report.app");

// ***** From projector B main class:

import mx.controls.Alert;
// ...
public var _reportSender_lc:LocalConnection;

// This gets called during initialization of Projector B.
public function initReport():Void {
                // Create object to pass status to main Timer client.
                _reportSender_lc = new LocalConnection();
                // This function doesn't get triggered.
                _reportSender_lc.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object) {
                        Alert.show("onStatus", "Alert");
                        switch (infoObject.level) {
                        case 'status' :
                                Alert.show("connected!", "Alert");
                        case 'error' :
                                Alert.show("connection error!", "Alert");
                var connectionName:String = "lc_reportSending";
var sendRes:Boolean = _reportSender_lc.send(connectionName, "initReport"); Alert.show("initReport: send="+sendRes +",domain="+_reportReceiver_lc.domain()+", con="+connectionName);
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