you don't even need a tween package for this (altho they sure are
useful things). read about BitmapData, BlurFilter, and "Repeating
actions using loops" in the Flash Help.

The advantage of using any tweening extension is exactly to avoid the
excessive hassle one has to go through when creating even the simplest
transition by raw coding, and to allow a lot more features to be used
easily, so I can't see how it could be helpful to reinvent the wheel at
this point and do something much simpler in a more difficult way and
wasting more time.

You don't "need" a lot of things in actionscript. Whether you're better off without them is another question.

Loops would be instantaneous. You would need to control the duration
of the effect via some sort of timer or interval. Tweens essentially
package up this timer functionality with a set of equations to handle
property changes. It's all just math, really, but I don't think using
loops would be as efficient as using a tween.

You got it right first - you can't use loops for that as code execution has to be halted (and a new frame rendered) for any visual change to be sent to the screen.

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