Hey Muzak, thanks for all the help!

About the files being saved as UTF-8, I really thought they were, I did set
Dreamweaver to use it as default. As I never found this choice at exact
saving time, I decided to do it with notepad, so now they are UTF-8 for
sure, thanks.

About the bold text problem, badly your solution didn't solve the problem. I
did exactly as you said, but it keeps going on. Any other idea?

The problem with 'undefined' vars, it happens cause the file is alone in
this folder, and there´s an alternate code that load it if it´s '_level0'
and don´t check the xml, cause it´s there only to test the file without
loading the base file, but in the whole site (
http://www.2pestudio.com/_emConstrucao/), the base swf only opens the
content windows after having the XMLLoaded var setted to true (and it´s
setted to false when the swf loads). So it doesn't happens in the site. But
thanks for calling attention for that.

The problem with the menu options not showing is weird. That text is
embedded, and supposed to work. I could not make it happen here, with IE6 or
7, or Firefox or Opera, but if happened once with you, it can come again. I
am checking the code allover again to see any possible failure.
Again, thanks for it.

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