I've created a TitleBackground movieClip by following the instructions in the MX04 online help "To set the title of an Window component to a custom movie clip symbol" (below). Now I'd like to make a call to a function inside of that clip or access properties within that clip directly. The window has a property skinTitleBackground the value of which is an object of type "TitleBackground", but TitleBackground doesn't have any public properties. Inside my TitleBackground movieClip there is a TextField called "titleText" that I would like to be able to set the text of. So far the only way I've been able to change it is by having a loop within the movieClip check on the value of an external variable. There should be another way, right?

Here are the instructions I followed. Thanks!

1. Create a new FLA file.
2. Create a new symbol by selecting Insert > New Symbol.
3. Set the name to TitleBackground.
4. If the advanced view is not displayed, click the Advanced button.
5. Select Export for ActionScript.
6. The identifier will be automatically filled out with TitleBackground.
7. Set the AS 2.0 class to mx.skins.SkinElement.

SkinElement is a simple class that can be used for all skin elements that don’t provide their own ActionScript impelmentation. It provides movement and sizing functionality required by the version 2 component framework.
8. Ensure that Export in First Frame is already selected, and click OK.
9. Open the new symbol for editing.
10. Use the drawing tools to create a box with a red fill and black line.
11. Set the border style to hairline.
12. Set the box, including the border, so that it is positioned at (0,0) and has a width of 100 and height of 22.

The Window component will set the proper width of the skin as needed but it will use the existing height as the height of the title.
13. Click the Back button to return to the main Timeline.
14. Drag the Window component to the Stage.
15. Select Control > Test Movie.

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