> Hi Jason,
>   As I understand it, some multitouch systems (no idea about MS!) use
> a process to track and broadcast multitouch data to listeners on a
> socket.
>   There'd be nothing stop AS3 reading data from that socket,
> presumably... or (I guess) some container app interpreting the socket
> data and passing it to Flash via ExternalInterface or some other
> means...
>   You wouldn't be able to use standard mouse events.

In relation to that, John Grden posted on his blog an experiment that can
be seen as a multi-pointer control: he used two wiimotes (from the wii)
with wiiflash and red5 to control two virtual pointers. With that he was
able to play a virtual drum inside flash, using the wiimotes as if theu
were the sticks.

Check it out, second video:


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