hi Kannan,

looks like Muzak posted a link to a relevant page from Adobe in this thread, deleted the email or would have included it - try the FlashCoder's archive maybe.

The problem of paths in the IDE vs. full paths used on the web for embedded display in an HTML page is an old one.

A useful fix is to use a variable in the authoring environment that contains the full path to the files as they will be set up on the server and splicing that variable to the local path (the local path being used during authoring work). Then, just before the final publishing of the main.swf for the HTML webpage - change the /:pathToServer variable from null/empty to the base URL - which is then used by all the loadMovie calls made by the mainParent.swf and it's loaded children.swf's during runtime.

We are jumping from Flash4 (cell phones) to cs3 this month, so no as1/as2 examples... actually, no as3 examples yet either, but here is the code we put on the first frame of the main.swf- leaving the path empty/null for authoring then with the path variable set to the base URL at final publishing for the web: /: = a variable declaration and / was replaced by dots as of as1/flash5;

/:pathToServer = "http://www.2goto.com/";;

then we use '/:internal_window_loadPath' for authoring:

/:internal_window_loadPath = (pathToServer) + "edictCON/sysEDICT/bwin.swf";

'bwin.swf' is an independent.swf deep in the folder structure that we loadMovie and place in the navigation structure, the 'bwin.swf'(internal_window) then loads or is loaded with outside content from the web or other folders on our server.

hope that helps,
http://www.2GoTo.com  ...5 year old example... :)


Message: 13
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:12:07 +0530
From: "Kannan Bharadwaj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flashcoders] RE: Swf not loading at run time
To: <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"


I have the same issue with html page not loading my swf runtime objects. All
my flash objects are stored in the same directory which is one level below
my html directory. When my html page gets loaded, it seems to look for the
runtime library file in the same directory as the html page and since it is
not able to find it, it does not load any runtime objects. If I move the
runtime library file to the html directory, everything works fine. However,
from a file organization standpoint, I would like to have all my swf files
in a different directory. Is there anyway I can do this?

Thanks in advance


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:57:31 -0500
From: "dave matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flashcoders] RE: Swf not loading at run time
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

hi  JohnT,

 The path to loaded .swf files changes when accessing from an HTML page on
the net - it is different than the IDE/authoring environment.

 For example, with all .swf's in the same folder, the path is direct, the
main.swf loads peers from the same folder.

 When main.swf is embedded in a web page, main.swf loads from the web
page's _files folder (adjust file explorer in windoze to show 'hidden'
folders)... HTML pages with .swf content store assets in an accompanying
'webPageName_files' folder.

 So, main.swf must call to the  web page's accompanying folder to find the
to be loaded .swf files, since main.swf is now outside of the storage folder
- the path from the HTML embedded main.swf would be:

 The key is that even though all the .swf files are in the same folder on
the server, the main.swf is actually outside of that folder in the HTML page
when it is trying to call the content to load.

  Also, an earlier comment in this thread mentioned case ( capital vs small
letters ) on many servers...  it's true.

Message: 10
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 19:38:06 +1000
From: John Trentini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flashcoders] Swf not loading at run time

Hi guys,

I am going insane, please give me a hint,

I have a swf embedded in a html doc (the intro). this when completed loads
another swf (the main interface). I have an empty mc into which I load
another swf (showcase) which dynamically displays a variety of image

When testing the Movie from the authoring environment, everything works like
a charm but when I publish and view the html in the browser the showcase.swf
does not seem to be loading; I have the same issue  also when I open the swf
file from the player

The html and all swf files reside in the same folder at the same level.
I have double checked and tried everything I know and I am getting quite
desperate now as I don't know what else to do.

Is there any simple reason/issue with the implementation? What else can I
try to resolve this?


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