Why not get a MacBook Pro and partition the hard drive in half and
install Windows on one half, Mac on the other, and get the best of
both worlds? I've had a MacBook Pro now since, I think, December or so
of last year, and you'd have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers. I
develop on both sides and have zero, zip, nada, complaints. Develop,
test, preview... and best of all, carry it around with you. Two
computers for the price (and weight) of one.

Your mileage may vary, naturally, but it's definitely something to
think about...

On 6/20/07, Jim Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Questions for those of you who have done Flash development on both

What are the pros and cons of Flash development on Mac vs PC? Which
platform would you recommend?

My laptop is in need of replacement, and my employer generally gives
us a choice of IBM (lenovo) or Mac.

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