I'm still stuck on this... would somebody help me, I don't know why this flash apparently doesn't want to read the xml from the attributes, I changed the xml into utf-8 and nothing, I also set up _sans in the css and nothing, does anyone knows how can I finally convince this flash to show my spanish characters as ñ and the é(tildes)...thanks Everyhting is ok, but the spanish characters. this is quite disturbing because I speak spanish.

this is my code:


menus = new XML();

menus.ignoreWhite = true;

menus.onLoad = function(success)

        var target = _root.screenTxt.myText_txt1;
        var holder = _root.menu;
        var titleMenus = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;
        var menuContent = this.firstChild;
        for (var i = 0; i < titleMenus; ++i )

                var depth = holder.getNextHighestDepth();
                var btn = holder.attachMovie( "buttons", 'btn_' + i , depth
                btn._x = 0;
                btn._y = -10 * i * 4;
                btn.data = {
                        text: menuContent.childNodes[i].attributes.text,
                        title: menuContent.childNodes[i].attributes.title

                btn.poa.text = btn.data.title;
                btn.onRelease = function(){
                        target.htmlText ="<title>"+ this.data.title+"</title>" 
+"<br>" +





this is the xml
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