Hi -

I need to programmatically create a series of "boxes" with labels. The
goal is to make a custom set of "Tabs" that are configured by a list of
tab names, can be clicked, etc. I'm a pretty basic AS / Flash user w/ a
programming background, and inherited this project in the current state,
which I'll call "basic tabs" and need to get it to "fancy tabs".


Right now I have this working with simple text boxes, but I'm trying to
make it look better. Specifically, I have an image for a tab that I can
9-slice as the background, and then want to draw the name for the Tab on
top of this image. 


Currently, the AS for the creation, label setting, and resizing looks
like this (Entryset is a tabular data structure that we use):

var columns:Array = entryset.getColumns();

            var rows:Array = entryset.getRows();

            rowLength = rows.length;


            //For every row in the Entryset, create a tab, give it a
label of the value in the current row,

            //change its width to fit its label, displace it
horizontally to fit next to adjacent tab, and

            //then set its y coord.

            this.mcContent = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcContent",

            for (var i = 0; i < rowLength; i++)


                        mcContent.attachMovie("Tab_MC", "mov" + i +
"_mc", i);

                        mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"].label_txt.text =

                        newColumns[i] = new
ProtoEntrysetColumn(mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"].label_txt.text, "Any");

                        mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"]._width =
mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"].label_txt.length*8 + 40;

                        mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"]._x =
mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"]._width/2 + spacing;

                        spacing = mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"]._x +

                        mcContent["mov"+i+"_mc"]._y =




I can't seem to find the right tutorial or info that will show me how to
make a new movie clip that has 1) an image and 2) some text overlay. I'd
like to be able to make this clip, stretch the image as needed, center
the text overlay, and set the text with a few lines similar to those


Do I need to group a textbox and image and then convert that to a clip?
Or make a class with more than one movie clip in it? If anyone either
has the right guidance / steps or possibly a link to a tutorial that
covers wrapping multiple movie clips into one so that they can be worked
with together through AS, that would be awesome. 


Thanks in advance for your help,




Byron Binkley

Proto | 140 W. 30th St. | 3rd floor

New York, New York 10001


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