
Thanks for the update. This is a very important issue to resolve. Tree component would be
nice to see as well....

Best, Austin

John Dowdell wrote:
Enrique Chávez wrote:
What happened with the webservices classes in AS3/Flash CS3? i can't believe they are gone.

I asked Product Manager Richard Galvan about this earlier this week, and I'll ping him today face-to-face to confirm. Here's where I'd expect info to appear first, if it isn't already among the technotes somewhere:

I suspect that it's something like not all AS2 routines yet adapted for the tighter ECMAScript in AS3, but even if so this info should still already be available in a FAQ or other searchable resource.

I'm sorry for the hassle in the meantime, but I've got an action item to pursue this and get it publicly resolved. (I'll be on vacation next week; if it's not addressed by then please feel free to title a thread "JD Flakes Out!" on Flashcoders the week of the 16th to nudge my memory, thanks.... ;-)


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