Yep, that was the issue, I'm trying to figure out how to proxy it now, Zeh
was able to provide me a link to a PHP script that I may be able to modify
to VBScript to proxy image data.
I already have an XML proxy that serves the same purpose, but it seems like
a nearly impossible task for image data (in VBScript) - so I'm testing the
PHP solution now.

Has anyone already done an Image Proxy in VBScript (or anything other than

Thanks - Fruber

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark R. Jonkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] SWF Working differently from SWF Player versus

It sounds like you are encountering a security sandbox issue. Do all the
files exist on the same server and same domain? I believe that unless
explicitly granted permission, swfs/bitmaps from different domains
(subdomains) are blocked from reading each other's pixel data.

Mark R. Jonkman

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fruber
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:06 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] SWF Working differently from SWF Player versus IE.

I have an interesting scenario that I wonder if anyone else has seen and
found a workaround..

I have a movieclip that has a background attached at depth 0.
The user then can place external images onto this MovieClip at increasing
depths.  Each of these are created using createEmptyMC - then the image is
loaded within that empty movieclip.

The user can then save this new image, which behind the scenes it creates an
array of pixel values from the parent MovieClip of all the clips - then a
web service creates an image and then flash does a getURL for the returned
image path.


When the user runs the swf directly from a local machine - everything works

When the user runs the swf from a web page (which means now it's on the
server) - this is what happens:
1.  If no images have been placed on the parent movieclip - the background
image is saved and it viewed by the user.
2.  If any images have been placed on the parent movieclip - then all the
pixels are FF (this is the color that was used asa fill for the bitmapdata

I have verified that getPixel32 on the MC is returning FF for each pixel -
only in scenario #2.

In either case, Printing the MC using the PrintJob class on the same MC -
everything works fine.

Is it safe to assume that since running it from the SWF works, that this has
nothing to-do with the parent movieclip and how getPixel32 get's it's
But somehow IE/IIS is causing me some problems with how getPixel32 works on
a MovieClip?
Also - in ALL scenarios - both configurations are using the same server to
process the image and return the valid path.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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