So, coming off the enterFrame() tween discussion, a lot of people mentioned various tweening libraries. I still use Fuse, which has
proven extremely capable for my purposes; are there any pressing
flaws in Fuse, or benefits in the other packages, that might convince
me to change?

The ultimate answer is that it's more of a matter of personal preference (due to syntax and approach) based on what your most pressing needs are than anything. It's not a black-and-white thing. Most people will have their preferred packages/classes, but it's hard to put it in objective terms from a general standpoint. It varies from person to person.

If you're happy with your current package then it's okey. Just remember knowledge about tweening (it has more to do with control over time than anything) carries over when you start using other extensions so switching back and forth is usually easy, you just write code slightly different. Tweening extensions are tools, not the end, and the current existing ones are fine and I don't know of any huge flaw on any of them.

Of course I wouldn't trade the tweening extension *I* use for any other out there. :) But again, because it comes down to personal preference and needs more than anything.

You just have to find the screwdriver that better fits the size of your hand. Whether it's an old or new screwdriver and whether the color of the screwdriver handle is trendy doesn't matter.

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