> XML:
> <content><![CDATA[Blah blah <a 
> href="somelink.com">someLink</a> <b> some bold text </b>]]></content>
> The problem is the XML Node is not reading as a string and 
> the html text field reads the node as a literal string 
> instead of html text. I mean it prints something like "Blah 
> blah <a href="somelink.com">someLink</a> <b> some bold text 
> </b>" in my text field.
> AS:
> var tt:TextField = 
> m.createTextField("txt",m.getNextHighestDepth(),0,0,0,0);
> tt.autoSize = true;
> tt.selectable = false;
> tt.embedFonts = true;
> tt.antiAliasType = "advanced";
> tt.html = true;
> tt.htmlText = local.ob.content; // myXml value 

How are you getting this local.ob.content?  That's the key issue, really.
Have you tried a trace() of this value?

My guess is that you're including the [CDATA bit of the field, which means
you're telling the field to render the text literally, which is exactly what
it's doing.


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