Some more easing curves and another approach.... 

// Quadratic Bezier tween from b to b+c, influenced by p
// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: total change, d: duration
// p: Bezier control point position
function tweenQuadBez (t, b, c, d, p):Number {
        return ((t/=d)*c + 2*(1-t)*(p-b))*t + b;

// Quadratic Bezier tween from b to b+c, passing through p
// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: total change, d: duration
// p: point to pass through at halftime
function tweenQuadBezThru (t, b, c, d, p):Number {
        return ((t/=d)*c + 2*(1-t)*(2*p-b-.5*c-b))*t + b;

// Cubic Bezier tween from b to b+c, influenced by p1 & p2
// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: total change, d: duration
// p1, p2: Bezier control point positions
function tweenCubicBez (t, b, c, d, p1, p2):Number {
        return ((t/=d)*t*c + 3*(1-t)*(t*(p2-b) + (1-t)*(p1-b)))*t + b;

function update()
        var per = _xmouse/Stage.width;
        var ny = tweenQuadBez ( per, 0, (y2-y1), 1, (yp-y1) ) + y1;
        var nx = tweenQuadBez ( per, 0, (x2-x1), 1, (xp-x1) ) + x1;
        circle_mc._y = ny;
        circle_mc._x = nx;

function INIT()
        Stage.align = 'TL';
        Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';

        x1 = 50;
        y1 = 50;
        xp = 100;
        yp = 50;
        x2 = 300;
        y2 = 200;
        // CURVE
        this.createEmptyMovieClip("curve_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
        curve_mc.lineStyle(0, 0x333333, 80);
        curve_mc.moveTo( x1, y1 );
        curve_mc.curveTo( xp, yp, x2, y2);

        // CIRCLE
        var radius = 5;
        circle_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("circle_mc",
this.getNextHighestDepth() );
        circle_mc.lineStyle(0, 0x000000);
        drawCircle(circle_mc, 0, 0, radius);
        onMouseMove = update;


function drawCircle(mc:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number, r:Number):Void {
    mc.moveTo(x+r, y);
    mc.curveTo(r+x, Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+y, Math.sin(Math.PI/4)*r+x, 
    mc.curveTo(Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+x, r+y, x, r+y);
    mc.curveTo(-Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+x, r+y, -Math.sin(Math.PI/4)*r+x, 
    mc.curveTo(-r+x, Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+y, -r+x, y);
    mc.curveTo(-r+x, -Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+y, -Math.sin(Math.PI/4)*r+x, 
    mc.curveTo(-Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+x, -r+y, x, -r+y);
    mc.curveTo(Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+x, -r+y, Math.sin(Math.PI/4)*r+x, 
    mc.curveTo(r+x, -Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*r+y, r+x, y);


Jesse Graupmann 

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