Hey List,

I have BitmapData A and BitmapData B;
Is there a fast routine that from every pixel in A will subtract the color of the coresponding pixel in B? I'm looking for a solution using the built-in BitmapData functions, since a manual looop on every pixel will be somewhat intensive (even if I use the getPixels>loop ByteArray>setPixels hack to set the pixels, instead of a setPixel() loop);

BitmapData.merge() is a nice and fast way to add pixels from one bitmap to another, specifing te amount to be added via a Multiplier param. It would be cool if one can set a multiplier of a negative value, which will result in substracting the amount instead of adding it, but that's not possible.

Maybe a soluton is to have the display object of BitmapData A stacked above that of BitmapData B, with some BlendMode setting (SCREEN?) that will subtract B pixels from A pixels?
Other ideas?


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