I took that data from various sources. I'm using that for my own clock too, and also have a function that, taking a "position" (first, second, third, etc), a month and "day" can calculate the real date when a DST occurs (for example, you feed "first Friday of may" or "last Monday of December" and it returns the correct date for a specific year).

I have a list of DST/Timezones per location, but did not converted to AS (I have some XML files). The problem is that the list is a big one, because the list is compromised of:
a) Countries
b) Regions
c) States
d) Cities.

Usually, you can trim down the list a lot, since almost all cities in a country have the same TZ/DST, but that's not the case for the US. In fact, you have some cities on the same state that have different TZ.

You can get the complete list from:


The problem with that list is that the dates specified for the start/end of DST is that are tied to a specific year and usually you need to wait until someone updates that list... so I coded the following list that has all the info necessary to do the calcs:

                private static const dstPolicies:Object = {
                        USADLS:new DstPolicy(1,0,4, -1,0,10),
                        EUDLS:new DstPolicy(-1,0,3, -1,0,10),
                        AU2003DLS:new DstPolicy(-1,0,10, -1,0,3),
                        AUTDLS:new DstPolicy(1,1,10, -1,0,3),
                        RUDLS:new DstPolicy(-1,0,3, -1,0,10),
                        EGDLS:new DstPolicy(-1,5,4, -1,4,9),
                        IRDLS:new DstPolicy(-1,6,3, -1,1,9),
                        IQDLS:new DstPolicy(255, 1,4, 255, 1,10),
                        ILDLS:new DstPolicy(-1,4,3, 1,4,10),
                        JODLS:new DstPolicy(-1,3,3, -1,4,10),
                        NADLS:new DstPolicy(1,0,9, 1,0,4),
                        PKDLS:new DstPolicy(1,6,4, 1,6,10),
                        SYDLS:new DstPolicy(255,30,3, 255,21,9),
                        CLDLS:new DstPolicy(2,0,10, 2,0,3),
                        CLEDLS:new DstPolicy(2,5,10, 2,6,3),
                        NZDLS:new DstPolicy(1,0,10, 3,0,3),
                        PYDLS:new DstPolicy(1,0,9, 1,0,4),
                        FKDLS:new DstPolicy(1,0,9, -1,0,4)

Where the first number is the position (1: first, -1:last, 255: straight date), the second and the third are the day/month. If the position is 255, the date is a straight day/month date, so for example for IRAQ the start date is April 1.

The formulas for the calcs are:

                 * @param y:int Year
                 * @param m:int Month (0 - 11)
* @param n:int Day of the week (0 for a Sunday, 1 for a Monday, 2 for a Tuesday, etc)
                 * @param w:int Occurence (1:first, 2:second, 3:third, 
4:fourth, -1:last)
                 * @return real day of the month where the DST starts/ends
                 * first friday = w:1, n:5
                 * third monday = w:3, n:1
                 * last monday = w:-1, n:1

                private static function calcStartEnd(y:int, m:int, n:int, 
                        if (w < 0){
                                var nd:Number = (new Date(y, m, 0)).getDate();
                                var diff:Number = (getDayOfWeek(y, m+1, nd) - 
n) % 7;
                                if (diff < 0) diff += 7;
                                return nd-diff;
                        var nq:int = 7 * w - 6 + (n - getDayOfWeek(y, m+1, 1)) 
% 7;
                        if (nq < 1) nq += 7;
                        return nq;
                 * @param y:int Year
                 * @param m:int Month (1 - 12)
                 * @param d:int Day (1 - 31)
                 * @return 0 for a Sunday, 1 for a Monday, 2 for a Tuesday, etc.
                private static function getDayOfWeek(y:int, m:int, d:int):int{
                        var a:int = int((14 - m) / 12);
                        y -= a;
                        m += 12 * a - 2;
var r:int = (d + y + int(y/4) - int(y/100) + int(y/400) + int((31*m)/12))%7;
                        if (r < 0) {
                                return 7+r;
                        } else {
                                return r;

Hope it helps...

On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 13:03:13 -0300, Keith Reinfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Corban,

Yes, I've been working on mine. I really want to thank Marcelo for the
timezones array. Very helpful! Where did that come from?

I have worked out a mechanism for applying Daylight Savings Time rules. Now
all I need is the data, by location, to pass in.

Note to Jim Berkey: First, thank you for the link. Nice touch with the
iconic location graphics. Second, I'm getting a 404 for the worldclock
source file. Just FYI.



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