Sure: I am trying to retreive kp_array in 'classB', which is in the kpLoad 


* ...
* @author -
* @version 0.1
import mx.utils.Delegate;
class xmlHandler {
 public var new_array : Array;
 public var numKPs : Number; 
 public var kpID_array :Array
 public var kp_array :Array
 private var kp_xml : XML;
 private var numGlossIDs : Number;
 public var numGlossTerms : Number;
 private var letters_array : Array;
 private var glIndex_array : Array;
 private var glTerms_array : Array;
 public var glDefs_array : Array;
 private var tmpArr1 : Array;
 private var tmpArr2 : Array;
 private var glButtActive : Array;
 private var gl_xml : XML;
 private var numRefs : Number;
 private var ref_xml : XML;
 public var refID_array : Array;
 private var refRef_array : Array;
 private var i : Number;
 private var j : Number;
 private var __index : Number;
 var kp_cmp:mx.controls.TextArea;
 public function xmlHandler(){
  kpID_array = new Array;
  kp_array = new Array;
  kp_xml = new XML ();
  kp_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
  letters_array = new Array;
  glIndex_array = new Array;
  glTerms_array = new Array;
  glDefs_array = new Array;
  glButtActive = new Array;
  tmpArr1 = new Array;
  tmpArr2 = new Array;
  gl_xml = new XML ();
  gl_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
  refID_array = new Array;
  refRef_array = new Array;
  ref_xml = new XML ();
  ref_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
  //Load keypoints
  kp_xml.load ("xml/keypoints.xml");
  kp_xml.onLoad = Delegate.create (this, kpLoad);
 public function kpLoad (bSuccess : Boolean) {
  if (bSuccess){
   //trace("Keypoints loaded!");
   //++++Sort keypoints
   numKPs = kp_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length;
   for (i = 0; i < numKPs; i ++){
    kpID_array.push (kp_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i];
    kp_array.push (kp_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
   gl_xml.load ("xml/glossary.xml");
   gl_xml.onLoad = Delegate.create (this, glossLoad);
  } else
   _root.debug_txt.text = "Keypoints XML failed to load";
 public function glossLoad (bSuccess : Boolean) {
  if (bSuccess){
   //trace("Glossary loaded!");
   //++++Sort glossary
   numGlossIDs = gl_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length;
   for (i = 0; i < numGlossIDs; i ++)
    numGlossTerms = gl_xml.firstChild.childNodes [i].childNodes.length;
    glIndex_array.push (gl_xml.firstChild.childNodes [i].attributes.letter);
    if (numGlossTerms == 0)
    } else
     var tmpArr1:Array = new Array();
     var tmpArr2:Array = new Array();
     for (j = 0; j < numGlossTerms; j ++)
      tmpArr1.push (gl_xml.firstChild.childNodes [i].childNodes [j].childNodes 
[0].childNodes [0].nodeValue);
      tmpArr2.push (gl_xml.firstChild.childNodes [i].childNodes [j].childNodes 
[1].childNodes [0].nodeValue);
     glTerms_array.push (tmpArr1);
     glDefs_array.push (tmpArr2);
   ref_xml.load ("xml/references.xml");
   ref_xml.onLoad = Delegate.create (this, refsLoad);
  } else
   _root.debug_txt.text = "Keypoints XML failed to load";
 public function refsLoad (bSuccess : Boolean) {
  if (bSuccess){
   //++++Sort keypoints
   numRefs = ref_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length;
   for (i = 0; i < numRefs; i ++){
    refID_array.push (ref_xml.firstChild.childNodes[i];
  } else
   _root.debug_txt.text = "Keypoints XML failed to load";
  _root.id_txt.text = refRef_array;

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