I'm having a struggle getting non-latin glyphs in my TextField instances to display properly.

Environment: Flash 9, Mac OS X 10.4.10
Publish target: Flash Player 8, ActionScript 2 (yuck, but that's the corporate client)

I have an external xml file with text in html tags. The non-Latin character data contained in these tags is reading in an propagating properly, as a simple trace indicates so. The problem comes down to displaying this text in a TextField.

The text field in question is set to Dynamic Text, and uses a custom, embedded font. The font is linked to export in first frame, before the text field appears. The text field has "All (54665 glyphs)" selected as the Embed option. Inserting additional needed character glyphs in the "Include these characters:" field to "force it to work" doesn't help.

Here are two implementation scenarios:

Scenario A (doesn't work):

        ) The text field contains a Latin string by default: "watermelon"
        ) Try to fill the text field with a mixed character glyph phrase:
                tf.htmlText = "Bang Приставки";

Scenario B (does work):

) The text field contains a string beginning with a non-Latin character contained in the dynamic text string fed it: "группы poopie"
        ) Try to fill the text field with a mixed character glyph phrase:
                tf.htmlText = "Bang Приставки";

Scenario C (does work):
        ) Change the font of text field to a non-embedded screen font: _sans.
        ) The text field contains a Latin string by default: "watermelon"
        ) Try to fill the text field with a mixed character glyph phrase:
                tf.htmlText = "Bang Приставки";

I need scenario A to work, as I can't predict what non-Latin character will dynamically be fed into these localized text fields at runtime, and I need to use the corporate font for the proper suit-and- tie look. Trying to use special charCodes for the input text is also an unacceptable solution (and I doubt it would help as the encoded text is being read in properly, just not displayed properly). Setting System.useCodepage = true did not work either.

So why aren't all embedded character glyphs recognized?
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