On Jan 17, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Ed McManus wrote:

Does anyone know what causes this? It's as if for large gradients flash doesn't perform enough steps making the transition from the start to end colors, so on a large scale the color difference between steps is clearly

This is just me thinking aloud but, that's a problem with 32-bit color space (only 8 bits per channel, RGBA). Flash does not support anything greater than 32-bit color space (no 10 or 12 bit), so gradient banding will always be there.

Do the same in Photoshop. Choose two colors that are relatively close in value and fill a document the same size with any gradient type - banding will occur if you are in an 8-bit color space.

The only way to partially alleviate this problem is by adding a slight amount of noise (at least in Photoshop). It can do wonders for larger gradients. In Flash, I don't think this would work out too well (at least not in a performance-wary manner).


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