Hi Juan - I don't think it's assigning the string that's slow. It's calling sendAndLoad that is slow, because I think when you make the call the data is urlencoded or something. I've already found that, and am not calling it. I was simply outputting the before and after string lengths to see how Base64 and LZW worked. Could be the class I was using, but either way it was way too slow to be useful to me. My simple array compressor is nearly instant and on some images it's getting me an 80%+ reduction in the array size, which is more than enough for my needs. On average it's only around a 20% or so reduction, but that's still good enough as my images are not very big. I think you're idea is great, and for AS3 a definite, but in AS2 I fear it's just going to be too slow. Plus, I've already spent far too long on this little aside and should be moving on, though I do enjoy these kinds of things. If you want to see some of my test results, I posted a little article on my blog: www.dmennenoh.blogspot.com

Thanks much!

Dave -
Head Developer
Adobe Community Expert
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