It sounds like your server side code is putting stuff straight into the database from your form.

If you are doing this, then please stop - THIS IS BAD... 1, you are maybe not checking your data from the form for dodgy stuff. 2, you are probably allowing the form to specify what fields in the database you are filling in. 3. why does your database not let you create your own tables with sensible field names?

It may be good from a lazy programming perspective, but this is a security nightmare.

You should always have your server side code check & validate your data, then decide where each bit of data goes. The client should not specify where the data goes - otherwise your database ends up hacked. This also applies to contact forms that specify the recipient in the form itself. DON'T DO IT, IT'S BAD, LEARN ABOUT SECURITY (please) :)



Thanks for getting back to me.
I'm targeting Flash Player 8.
Essentially, I am creating an HTML form in Flash, but I'm running into trouble because the form refers to database field names with symbols I can't place in a variable name and I need to pass the variable name with the data.

The form in my FLA has input fields for First Name and Email address. Each input field has a Var associated with it.
The First Name field's Var is "f:1700253695"
The Email field's Var is "f:31"

Then in Actionscript I have variables for the "hidden" fields that would be used in an HTML version of the form (not sure if this is necessary) and a submit button function to send the variable names and their values to the sign-up form on the server.
var f#1700253695 = "TEXT:First%20Name";
var f#31 = "TEXT:Email%20Address";

submitBtn.onRelease = function(){
getURL("";, "","GET"); }

The problem I'm having is that the database on the server requires either the colon or the # sign in the field name, but I can't figure out how to publish the SWF with them. If there isn't a way, I think I will use the ExternalInterface API to send my field values to a form in my HTML wrapper and send the data from there. I'm not well versed in Javascript so I'm trying to avoid that if possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

On Feb 21, 2008, at 12:50 AM, Martin Klasson wrote:

this[f#31] = "TEXT:Email%20Address";

This could work for you I guess, it wont give you a compiler error,
but I would revise the code since I wouldnt suggest this "ugly" solution.

If you could show more code on how you are sending the data,
as well as what Flash Player version you are targeting there would
easier to give you a more helpful hand if you want the solution to
be more legit than the solution above.

/ Martin


I need to pass a variable to a email sign-up form and it needs to be
named f#31

I have it written:

var f#31 = "TEXT:Email%20Address";

Flash gives me an error when I try to publish this and I assume its
because the variable name has the # sign. How do I get around this?
I've tried escape sequences to no avail.

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Martin Klasson
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