Maybe it is only disabled when in browser mode ?

"These restrictions apply to the Flash plug-in and ActiveX control but not to the Flash stand-alone player or Flash projectors."



i'm making a cs3 projector which uses stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN to go full screen. However when i checked in the help file, it said "All keyboard-related ActionScript, such as keyboard events and text entry in TextField instances, is disabled in full-screen mode. The exception is the keyboard shortcuts that close full-screen mode."

This made me pretty worried about having limited to no functionality for my app if i made it full screen so i wrote this to test it:

assets on stage:
input text field called input_txt
dynamic text field called output_txt
button called button


import flash.display.*;

stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickMethod);
function myClickMethod(e:Event):void {
        output_txt.text = input_txt.text;

and this works absolutey fine.

I'm really confused. Is the reference in the help file only for browser-based full-screen commands? Is it for actionscript generated TextFields? If i go ahead with my app, am i going to come massively unstuck further down the line?

hope you can help

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